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Podcasts, Webinars, Short Tutorials, and Rhino3Dzine
Rhinozine - 2023 - 2024
[2023] June issue of the Rhino3Dzine
[2023] July issue of the Rhino3Dzine
[2023] August issue of the Rhino3Dzine
[2023] September issue of Rhino3Dzine
[2023] October issue of Rhino3Dzine
[2023] November issue of Rhino3Dzine
[2023] December issue of Rhino3Dzine
[2024] January issue of Rhino3Dzine
[2024] February issue of Rhino3Dzine
[2024] March issue of Rhino3Dzine
[2024] April issue of Rhino3Dzine
[2024] May issue of Rhino3Dzine
[2024] June issue of Rhino3Dzine
[2024] July & August issue of Rhino3Dzine
Certified RhinoFabStudios
Show-Case of previous projects from our certified RhinoFabStudios before COVID!
UPB's Certified RhinoFabStudio (3:34)
Rhino Talks
[ Spanish- April-25, 2024] Rhino Talks Webinar Basics of Jewelry Design held in Spanish
Rhino 7 and 8 + SubD
[ English - Nov. 6, 2020 ] SubD for Rhino 7 by Brian James
[ English - Oct. 30, 2020 ] Basic ‘push & pull’ SubD modeling in Rhino 7
[ English - Feb. 2020 ] How to Model a Fork Using SubD in Rhino 7
[ Español - Dic. 18, 2020 ] SubD y su aplicación en Fabricación Digital por Yoshio Fukumori
[ English - Aug. 17 2021 ] SubD Radiate
[ English - Aug. 17, 2021 ] SubD reflect reflect
[ English - Abr. 15, 2021 ] Alejandro Zapata goes over his published book
[ English - Sep. 15, 2022 ] Getting started, Rhino for Windows - SubD car Layout
[ English - Sep. 20, 2022 ] 3D Modeling Tufting in Rhino
[ English - Aug. 30, 2020 ] Pollination + The Next Generation of Ladybug Tools
[ English - Nov. 12 2021 ] Grasshopper Player, Hops and Computer
[ English - Jul. 15, 2021 ] Generative Design in The Cloud by Parametric Solutions
[ English - Mar. 11, 2021 ] Diego Garcia Cuevas & Gianluca Pugliese Talk about Advanced 3D Printing with Grasshopper (43:14)
[ English - May. 25, 2022 ] Simplify large complex Grasshopper definitions
[ English - June 28, 2022 ] Advanced 3D Printing with Grasshopper
[ English - Oct. 19, 2022 ] Grasshopper Animations
[ English - Feb. 08, 2017 ] The Morpheus Hotel: From Design to Production
[ English - May. 19, 2021 ] A Discrete Assembly Toolkit for Architects and Designers (English)
[ English - Nov. 18, 2021 ] Anne Save de Beaurecueil goes over their Workshop, 'Play Structures'
[ English - Nov. 2, 2022 ] The Augmented Architecture
[ English - Feb. 1, 2024] Rhino User Webinar: The future generation of NET ZERO buildings from Zaha Hadid Architects
[ Spanish - Mar. 25, 2024 ] Fachada principal Grupo MSH
[ Spanish - May. 02, 2024 ] Centro Interpretación y planetario
Architecture Plug-Ins for Rhino
[ Español - Jul. 24, 2020 ] VisualARQ modeling and documentation by Francesc Salla
[ English - Aug. 20, 2020 ] VisualARQ+Grasshopper styles webinar by Francesc Salla
[ English - Oct. 30, 2020 ] Paneling Tools for Rhino 7 and Grasshopper by Rajaa Issa
[ Español - May - 1, 2023 ] Modelado Arquitectónico BIM con VisualARQ (71:25)
[ English - Feb. 20, 2024 ] Rhino User Webinar: Rhino.inside.TopSolid : Interoperability towards fabrication
Landscape Design
[ English - Nov. 20, 2020 ] Land Design for Rhino with support for Grasshopper
[ English - Nov. 20, 2021 ] Lands Design
[ Español - Mar. 2, 2023 ] "Modelado Paisajístico con Lands Design" Por Elham Ghabouli y Francesc Salla
[ English - Oct. 17, 2023 ] Wendy W. Fok "digitalSTRUCTURES" (33:59)
[ English - Feb. 20, 2024 ] Daylight Compliance prediction web tool using Rhino.Compute
Rhino.Inside.Revit Resources
Let us watch the presentation now!
[ English - Apr. 24, 2020 ] Importing Rhino Geometry into Revit by Scott Davidson
[ English - Aug. 20, 2020 ] Rhino models into Revit for quick drawings with Rhino.Inside.Revit by Scott Davidson
[ English - Aug. 21, 2020 ] Organize Rhino Geometry into Revit Subcategories by Scott Davidson
[ English - Aug. 24, 2020 ] Create Native Revit Elements with Rhino.Inside.Revit by Scott Davidson
[ English - Nov. 4, 2020 ] Rhino Inside Revit by Scott Davidson and Ehsan Iran-Nejad
[ English - Nov. 20, 2020 ] Getting Setup with Rhino.Inside.Revit by Scott Davidson
[ English - Nov. 22, 2020 ] Ask the Experts: Optimizing Rhino.Inside.Revit Workflow
[ English May. 12, 2021 ] Annual Daylight Simulations in the Cloud using Rhino.Inside Revit
Rhino Inside Revit BIM
[Español - Sep - 20, 2022] Interoperabilidad y automatización BIM en puentes y viaductos
Computational Design and Digital Fabrication
[ English - Oct. 1, 2020 ] How to use Grasshopper with a Trotec Laser by Andres Gonzalez
[ Spanish - Dic. 4, 2020 ] Webinar by Arturo de la Fuente
[ English - Dic. 8, 2020 ] Parametric Design for Cloud Application Process Webinar by ShapeDiver
[ Spanish - Jul. 28, 2021 ] Computational Design and Fabrication by Origami
[ English - June - 28, 2022 ] Advanced 3D printing
[ English - Jun. 1-2023 ] Between the digital and the sculptural: Combining Traditional Methods and 3D Technology
[ English - Sept. 19, 2023 ] "Unveiling Parametric Design in Brazil,” by Leonardo Gindri (49:01)
[ Spanish - April 2024 ] Foro Fachadas Internacional
Computational Design in Fashion
[ English - Nov. 9, 2021 ] From Sneakers to Crypto-Art by Sarah Salameh
[ English - Dec. 7, 2021 ] Bridging the gap between Digital Fabrication and the Design and Construction Industry
Cloud Computing and Online Collaboration is the future! | Rhino Compute [ English - Dic. 2, 2020
[ April - 20. 2023 ] Developing digital tools for design teams
Cloud Computing and Online Collaboration is the future! | Rhino Compute
Jewelry + Generative Jewelry Design
[ English - Feb. 17, 2012 ] How to use Grasshopper for designing Jewelry
[ English - Jan. 4, 2021 ] How to Render Jewelry in Rhino 7
[ English - Jul. 07, 2021 ] The Essential Guide to Digital Jewelry Design
[ English Feb. 24, 2022 ] Modeling a Braid in Rhino 7
[ Spanish - Oct 1, 2022] Diseño 3D parametrizado para joyería
[ English - Sep-15, 2023 ] Unveiling the Past - Historical Jewelry and its 3D Reconstruction
[ Italian - May-9, 2024 ] New Rhino 8 features applied to jewelry
[ English & Spanish - October - 2024 ] Computational and Parametric Design for Jewelry (12:56)
Jewelry plug-ins for Rhino
[ English - Nov. 30, 2021 ] Designing Jewelry with 2Shapes for Rhino
Marine Design
[ English May. 26, 2021 ] Notilus Nautical Design (English)
[ English May. 5, 2021 ] Orca3D Marine CFD Overview and Demonstration
[ English June 21, 2024 ] food4Rhino webinar: Orca3D - Marine Design in Rhino (Advanced Stability)
Rendering and Materials in Rhino 7
[ English - Dec. 15, 2020 ] Rendering and Materials in Rhino 7 Webinar by Brian James
[ English - Oct. 30, 2020 ] Getting started rendering in Rhino 7
[ English - Oct. 28, 2021 ] Rendering Post Effects in Rhino 7
[ English - Feb. 24, 2022 ] Adding Decals in Rhino 7
[ English - Feb. 23, 2022 ] Texture mapping in rhino 7
Rhino Tips & Tricks for Rhinozine 2023
[Sep-01] Rhino 1+ Undo Selected (1:00)
[Sep-02] Rhino 6+ Add Guide Lines (1:55)
[Sep-03] Rhino 6+ Relocate GumBall (0:33)
[Sep-04] Osnap Between (1:20)
[Sep-05] Rhino 7+ Osnap Percentage Along Curve (0:53)
[Sep-06] Rhino 6+ Gumball Extrude Both Sides (0:22)
[Oct-01] Rhino 7+ Copy Sub-Curve (1:42)
[Oct-02] Rhino 6+ Rotate View Around GumBall (1:20)
[Oct-03] Rhino 5+ View Capture (2:08)
[Oct-04] Rhino 7+ Isolate (0:34)
[Oct-05] Rhino 6+ Command Line Math (1:30)
[Oct-06] Rhino 7+ Soft Transform SubD (1:21)
[Nov-01] Rhino 4+ No one, but two calculators (1:34)
[Nov-02] Rhino 6+ The last used buttons (1:46)
[Nov-03] Rhino 6+ Linked viewports (1:05)
[Nov-04] Rhino 7+ Set Dimension Layer (1:15)
[Nov-05] Rhino 7+ Named selections (1:08)
[Nov-06] Rhino 7+ Single viewport mode (1:16)
[Dec-01] Rhino 8+ Volume Dimension (1:07)
[Dec-01] Rhino 8+ Extract Linetype Segments (1:06)
[Dec-03] Rhino 8+ Open File Explorer (1:22)
[Dec-04] Rhino 8+ UnGroup Selected (1:19)
[Dec-05] Rhino 8+ Convert To Single Spans (2:46)
[Dec-06] Rhino 8+ Snap to SubD objects + Offset to SubD objects (2:41)
Rhino Tips & Tricks for Rhinozine 2024
[Jan-01] Rhino 8+ Monochrome render mode (0:56)
[Jan-02] Rhino 7+ Package Manager (0:43)
[Jan-03] Rhino 4+ From any language to _English _commands (0:51)
[Jan-04] Rhino 4+ Turn on the Tooltips (1:47)
[Jan-05] Rhino 4+ Enter different units (1:00)
[Jan-06] Rhino 7+ Vectorice plugin (0:48)
[Feb-01] Rhino 8+ Offset closed regions (1:02)
[Feb-02] Rhino 8+ How to search layers (0:59)
[Feb-03] Rhino 8+ Move and hide layer columns (0:47)
[Feb-04] Rhino 8+ Organize layers dragging up and down them (1:29)
[Feb-05] Rhino 8+ Model On and Off (0:50)
[Feb-06] Rhino 8+ Section style (1:39)
[March-01] Clipping plane direction (1:22)
[March-02] Clipping depth (0:56)
[March-03] Clipping, select all objects (1:19)
[March-04] Clipping, include your selection (1:28)
[March-05] Clipping, exclude your selection (0:58)
[March-06] Clipping planes and how to set the style hatch for layers (2:29)
[April-01] Orient two points (3:42)
[April-02] Orient three points (2:31)
[April-03] Orient on surface (5:26)
[April-04] Orient perpendicular to curve (3:09)
[April-05] Orient curve to edge (1:26)
[April-06] Remap to CPlane [Construction Plane] (2:46)
[May-01] Rhino 7+: Duplicate Edge (1:47)
[May-02] Rhino 7+: Duplicate Border (1:37)
[May-03] Rhino 7+: Duplicate Face Border (0:34)
[May-04] Rhino 7+: Extract Isocurves (2:15)
[May-05] Rhino 7+: Extract Wireframe (1:22)
[May-06] Rhino 8+: Sections (1:55)
[June-01] 7+: Fold planar faces (1:33)
[June-02] 7+: Extract surface (0:56)
[June-03] 7+: Move face... (1:03)
[June-04] 7+: Extrude Face (2:28)
[June-05] 7+: Extrude to a Boundary (1:27)
[June-06] 7+: Split Face (1:51)
[July-01] Shell solids (1:38)
[July-02] Solid difference (1:45)
[July-03] Solid intersection (2:33)
[July-04] Solid union (0:53)
[July-05] Split solid (1:08)
[July-06] Create solid (3:01)
[September-01] Select SubD objects (1:21)
[September-02] Draw a SubD plane (1:06)
[September-03] Draw a SubD box (1:13)
[September-04] Draw a SubD cylinder (1:58)
[September-05] SubD Multipipe (1:53)
[September-06] SubD Revolve (0:56)
[October-01] Sub-Curve (1:01)
[October-02] Extract Sub-Curve (0:52)
[October-03] Delete Sub-Curve (1:03)
[October-04] Closed Open-Curves (1:08)
Grasshopper Tips & Tricks for Rhinozine 2023
[A] Before you start using Grasshopper, take a look at these tips. (5:05)
[B] How to connect and disconnect cables in Grasshopper (4:08)
[Nov-001] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: The Boolean Toggle Parameter (1:50)
[Nov-002] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: The Button Parameter (1:21)
[Nov-003] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: The Jump Parameter (1:56)
[Nov-004] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: The Shader Parameter (2:19)
[Nov-005] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: The Stream Filter Component (6:06)
[Nov-006] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: The Curve Middle Component (1:46)
[Nov-Quiz] Let us double check if you understood these tips
[Dec-001] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: Many ways to create a numeric slider (4:51)
[Dec-002] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: The Curve Param (1:55)
[Dec-003] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: The Z Unit Vector component (1:32)
[Dec-004] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: The Extrude component (1:39)
[Dec-005] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: The Amplitude component (1:52)
[Dec-006] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: The Cap-Holes component (1:24)
Grasshopper Tips & Tricks for Rhinozine 2024
[Jan-01] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: The Dimension component (1:36)
[Jan-02] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: XY, XZ, and YZ Construction planes (3:01)
[Jan-03] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: The Plane surface component (1:56)
[Jan-04] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: The Isotrim component (1:56)
[Jan-05] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: The Construct Domain ^2 component (3:48)
[Jan-06] Rhino 8+ & GH 1: Colour Swatch and Custom Preview [ Parameters ] (2:14)
[Feb-01] Rhino 7 & 8: Closed curves [ Component ] (1:25)
[Feb-02] Rhino 7 & 8: Dispatch [ Component ] (1:10)
[Feb-03] Rhino 7 & 8: Planar curves [ Component ] (2:04)
[Feb-04] Rhino 7 & 8: From Degrees to Radians [ Component ] (1:15)
[Feb-05] Rhino 8+ : Hatch [ Param ] (2:20)
[Feb-06] Rhino 8+ : Model Hatch [ Component ] (2:43)
[March-01] Surface parameter (1:12)
[March-02] Calculate the area and centroid of a surface or closed polygon (0:54)
[March-03] Deconstruct a point (1:55)
[March-04] Sort numbers and geometry component (2:14)
[March-05] The orient geometry component (1:39)
[March-06] The Series and XY-Construction Plane components (2:18)
[April-01] Brep Wireframe component (2:08)
[April-02] List Item component (2:54)
[April-03] End Points component (1:54)
[April-04] Rhino 8+ Aligned Dimension component (2:24)
[April-05] Rhino 8+ Annotation Arrow Settings component (2:24)
[April-06] Rhino 8+ Annotation Style component (4:06)
[May-01] Rhino 7+ Mass Multiplication component (1:51)
[May-02] Rhino 7+ Mass Addition component (3:00)
[May-03] Rhino 7+ Absolute component (2:05)
[May-04] Rhino 7+ Negative component (2:05)
[May-05] Rhino 7+ Larger Than component (1:59)
[May-01] Rhino 7+ Smaller Than component (2:45)
[June-01] Rhino 7+ Union Component (1:44)
[June-02] Rhino 7+ Set Intersection (0:55)
[June-03] Rhino 7+ Set Difference (1:05)
[June-04] Rhino 7+ Create Set (1:48)
[June-05] Rhino 7+ Disjoint component (1:33)
[June-06] Rhino 7+ ExDifference component (1:44)
[July-01] Populate 2D (1:39)
[July-02] Populate 3D (1:50)
[July-03] Populate Geometry (2:38)
[July-04] The Evaluate and Expression components (4:41)
[July-05] Point in Curve (4:20)
[July-06] Point in Curves (2:08)
[November-01] Rhino 8+, Source Units (1:42)
[November-02] Rhino 8+, Convert Units (3:01)
[November-03] Rhino 7+, Surf Dimensions (1:30)
[November-04] Rhino 8+, Query Model Objects (3:50)
[November-05] Short demo with the above Params & Components (4:49)
Rhino3Dzine Linked Videos
1) Studio Chesco (0:10)
2) Hive Design (3:03)
3) Hive Project (2:10)
4) Talavera Project: (3:51)
5) Blickfeld (2:31)
[Feb-01] Rhino 7 & 8: Closed curves [ Component ]
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